Irene van Staveren (Project leader of the ISD database)
Irene van Staveren earned her MA and Ph.D. from Erasmus University Rotterdam and is the director of the ISD database. She is Professor of Pluralist Development Economics and teaches introductory economics, globalization and labour, gender and labour markets, as well as feminist economics at the graduate level. Recently, she was appointed as Chair of the Research Degrees Committee, which is responsible for the Ph.D. programme at the ISS.
More information can be found on her Personal Website.

Sanchita Bakshi (Ph.D Researcher)
Sanchita Bakshi is a Ph.D. researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague. Previously, she worked with Samaj Pragati Sahayog, one of India’s largest grassroots initiatives for water and livelihood security. She has also worked with the former Planning Commission of India engaging in research and policy related to water, rural development and panchayati raj institutions.
More information can be found on her Personal Website.

Jimena Pacheco Miranda (Development economics Ph.D. candidate)
Jimena Pacheco Miranda is a development economics Ph.D. candidate at the International Institute of Social Sciences- Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Her research interests lie in development, health and education economics. As a former specialist at the Development Bank of Ecuador she generated evaluations in regard to the impact of new infrastructure on the household’s wealth.
More information can be found on her Personal Website.