14 December 2011:
- Arjan de Haan and Irene van Staveren: ISD Taking Stock
- Ellen Webbink: Inclusion of Minorities Index
- John Cameron and Yih Lerh Huang: Granger inspired testing the ISD’s for possible causal relationships
- Eelke de Jong and Jeroen Smits: Social Development and sub-national growth in developing countries
- John Cameron and Yih Lerh Huang: Tracking Structural Development Processes through the Inter-group Cohesion Index
- Arjan de Haan: Inclusive Growth and the Indices of Social Development
- Ruut Veenhoven: Social Development and Happiness in nations: 1990-2010 (PPT), paper (PDF)
15 December 2011:
- Roberto Foa: The Role of Social Institutions in Determining Aid Effectiveness (link to Prezi.com)
- Irene van Staveren and Ellen Webbink: Aid, Civil Society and Development
- Frank-Borge Wietzke: Jobs and wellbeing: Individual and country level evidence
- Kea Tijdens: Can Indices of Social Development explain the wage rankings, wage dispersions, and standardized wage levels of 16 health workforce occupational groups across 20 countries?
- Key note speech by Stephan Klasen: Measuring Gender Inequality and Inequality in Social Development
Other Presentations
- “I Just Ran Growth Regressions With Social Cohesion” by Irene van Staveren and Zahid Pervaiz, at the World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR) Conference, Boston, 2-4 September, 2016.
- “Fractionalisation And Its Effect on Social Cohesion: It’s The Social Exclusion, Stupid!” by Irene van Staveren and Zahid Pervaiz, at the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) Conference, University of Luxembourg, 13-15 July, 2015.
- “Production and Use of Independent Media: Road to Government Accountability?” by Irene van Staveren and Anderson Macedo de Jesus, working paper based on report for Hivos (Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries), 27 November, 2014.
2020 data launch event on 13th April 2022 at the ISS
- Video recording of the data launch event: link to the video on youtube
- Powerpoint Slides of the launch presentation (see below – you can download them as well)
- Powerpoint slides of the paper on Covid-19 and social cohesion (see below – you can download them as well)